亚洲午夜激情,欧洲大尺度视频专区,精品秘 无码一区二区三区蜜桃,国产九九九九九福利



Sulphur tetrafluoride

Sulphur tetrafluoride,SF4(Tetrafluorosulfurane)is a colorless gas with a distinct sulfur odor. Sulfur tetrafluoride is highly toxic by inhalation and a strong irritant to skin, eyes and mucous membranes. Sulfur tetrafluoride reacts vigorously with water and acids to yield toxic fluoride and sulfur oxide fumes and an acidic solution. Sulfur tetrafluoride is heavier than air.

Gas Data
Molecular Weight 108.05
Specific Gravity(water=1) 1.95@-78°C

The most effective, high selectivity fluridizer,can be widely used in high-end LCD materials and fluoride agrochemical, medicine and its intermediates synthesis.it also can be used for electronic gas, chemical vapor deposition, surface treated, plasma dry carved and other aspects.


Property Unit Minimum Maximum
SF4 %vol 99.0 --
SF6 %vol -- 0.2
O2 + N2 %vol -- 0.1
CO2 %vol -- 0.05
CF4 %vol -- 0.1
Other SxFy %vol -- 0.5

Cylinder Size DOT3AA 2265-48L
Valve CGA 330

Shipping Information
DOT Label Nonflammable Gas
DOT Class 2.3
CAS No.: 7783-60-0
UN Number 2418

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