亚洲午夜激情,欧洲大尺度视频专区,精品秘 无码一区二区三区蜜桃,国产九九九九九福利




The molecular formula C7H14B2ClF9N2;  CAS NO. 140681-55-6
Chemical name:
Physicchemcial properties
Molecular weight 354.26
Melting point 260℃
Risk Label 8
Store Shade place
Under the normal temperature and pressure Selectfluor is white crystal, which smell is similar with F2, soluble in acetonitrile, DMF, slightly soluble in acetone; sensitive to humidity, should be avoided sunlight irradiation for a long time; can be decomposed into toxic gases boron trifluoride under high temperature; corrosive substance.
As the fluoride, can be used to have single fluorination reaction with the matter which has electronic double bond, silyl enol ethers, lithium enolate, etc. ; can be used for making containing fluorine steroidal drugs, etc.

N-Fluoro-N'-chloromethyl-triethylenediamine-bis-(tetrafluoroborate)(F-TEDA-BF4) Quality standard

>250℃ (above 250℃)
Loss on drying
<0.5%  (below 0.5%)
Active F+ content
≥5.25% (above 5.25%)

Products can be packed in cardboard pail, all paper pail and other packaging to meet customer requirements.
Packing: 25kg / Drum or 20kg/Drum

Copyright(C)2015,Shandong Ruihua Fluoride Industry Co.Ltd All Rights Reserved.  Supported by  ChemNet  ChinaChemNet Toocle Copyright Notice
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